Is it Treason, or simply stubbornness?

Definition of TREASON 1: the betrayal of a trust 2: the offense of attempting by overt acts to overthrow the government of the state to which the offender owes allegiance The Republican Party and Democratic Party have been cooperating to a large extent.  Both sides...

Garbage Day 7/28/2K11

Listen up Republicans! You better start taking your Asstarded Teatards to the mat! They’re destroying your party and what’s left of the integrity you have. Fight back, they’re taking your ass to the curb and our Nation along with you. Convenient for...

Wake Up

Despite my involvement here, I’m not a Democrat.  I consider myself a fiscally conservative socially liberal American.  (*not to be confused with the bat-shit crazy and completely redefined GOP definition of either).  Sure, my politics are left leaning, but when...

“We The People” Garbage Day – June 30, 2011

“We the People..” that’s how our Constitution begins then goes on to create three branches of government which are intended to be in service to We the People. Now think: people, a plural noun defined as human beings, not Wall Street, banks,...

Garbage Day 3/31/2K11

Revolution is coming to America, can you feel it?   The middle class is all but defeated. We’re told the economy is getting better because Wall Street is seeing record profits. The cost of food, gas, and other essentials are rising to record highs. Our...