Garbage Day 12/22/2K11

Garbage Day 12/22/2K11

<—— That’s me with my “Angry Face”  I know that my last post here was on the same issue, but now those assholes have upped the ante. Here’s a recap from last time: “As Congress debates extending the Payroll Tax Cut our Government, once...
Garbage Day 12/22/2K11

Garbage Day 12/01/2K11

The GOP is trying to fleece Americans again. A new Bill is is working it’s way through Congress that will further cut employees Social Security tax and even extend it to business’s for the first million in payroll. This will help small business and people...

Keep your eyes & ears open.

I Pledge Allegiance to the Banks of the United States of America and to the Corporations for Which They Stand. One Nation where Money is GOD. Made Divisible, No Liberty or Justice at ALL…   I was reading a short blog yesterday listing one mans opinion about...