You know us as The LEFT Show and the World’s Greatest Comic Book Podcast, but did you know we’ve done other shows? Over the last 12 years, we’ve hosted a myriad of shows featuring voices and topics you really can’t get anywhere else.

Once a year, mostly, we open up a GoFundMe to help pay our static bills for the year. Usually, we ask for help with hosting, domain renewals, SSL certificates, bandwidth usage and equipment repair, just to name a few things.

This year is different. THIS YEAR, we’re kicking it up a notch. We’re building a studio, but not just a podcast studio … a broadcast studio!

That’s right, we’re evolving. We’re shopping office space to build the next step in our Network’s adventure. A lot of you have been asking when we’re going to start doing Video with the podcasts, and this is your time to shine!

HOW? Easy. Two paths to success: Fundraising and Sponsorships. We’re working hard on pulling in a few sponsors for the year, and we’re asking folks to help us bridge the gap!

This is not only a way for the World’s Greatest Podcast Network to record the shows you already know and love, but to expand the lineup with new shows, and to help people and non-profits to record their own shows. We’ve committed, over the years, to helping launch new voices and evolving the pod-space for important messages.

The LEFT Show Podcast!

017 I Told You So | Denver Part 2 and More!

017 I Told You So | Denver Part 2 and More!

This week on I Told You So, JM and Tiffany talk about what's happened since the Denver trip, where the hell they've been and what's going on now. Several steps to help keep a marriage happy, and letters! 017 I Told You So Podcast Apple...

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651 The LEFT Show | Grindr and Evangelical Christofascism

651 The LEFT Show | Grindr and Evangelical Christofascism

It's Monday in America, time for The World's Greatest Political Podcast: THE LEFT SHOW! This week, J.M. Bell, Tiffany, Taylor, and JC talk about Joe stepping out of the race and what that means for the next few weeks, and months. The GOP had their little hate rally...

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650 The LEFT Show | Slow News Week

650 The LEFT Show | Slow News Week

It's Monday in America, time for The World's Greatest Political Podcast: THE LEFT SHOW! This week, J.M. Bell, Tiffany, and JC react to the big news of the week, gay furry hackers, the 2024 election, electing stupid people, AOC, and Project 2025! #650 The World's...

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649 The LEFT Show | One More Mile To Go

649 The LEFT Show | One More Mile To Go

It's Monday in America, time for The World's Greatest Political Podcast: THE LEFT SHOW! This week, J.M. Bell, Tiffany, and JC talk about Labor's big night contrasted with the US elections, Dems are shutting the barn door late again, Trump attacks a small, black owned...

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648 The LEFT Show | Happy Birthday The LEFT Show!

648 The LEFT Show | Happy Birthday The LEFT Show!

It's Monday in America, time for The World's Greatest Political Podcast: THE LEFT SHOW! This week, J.M. Bell, Tiffany, and JC talk about the "debate", the after party, Trump and a box of rocks, Lindsey whines, the "supreme" court, arresting the homeless, and...

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647 The LEFT Show | Yet Another GOP Pedo

647 The LEFT Show | Yet Another GOP Pedo

It's Monday in America, time for The World's Greatest Political Podcast: THE LEFT SHOW! This week, J.M. Bell and JC talk about the classy folks Trump surrounds himself with, WTF is happening in Louisiana, Boebert loses the plot, election news, and yet another unhinged...

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646 The LEFT Show | Living In Interesting Times [fixed]

646 The LEFT Show | Living In Interesting Times [fixed]

It's Monday in America, time for The World's Greatest Political Podcast: THE LEFT SHOW! This week, J.M. Bell, Taylor, and JC talk about Mexico, Georgia, and France. Lindsey Graham does weird stuff, the GOP loves people being hungry, and Gosar is still a thing? NASA,...

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645 The LEFT Show | Guilty Galore!

645 The LEFT Show | Guilty Galore!

It's Monday in America, time for The World's Greatest Political Podcast: THE LEFT SHOW! This week, J.M. Bell, Taylor, and JC talk about 34 pieces of Trump news, the Left and Right wing reactions, conflicts of interest, and a great good riddance. #645 The World's...

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644 The LEFT Show | Good, Bad, News

644 The LEFT Show | Good, Bad, News

It's Monday in America, time for The World's Greatest Political Podcast: THE LEFT SHOW! This week, J.M. Bell and JC talk some good government, some bad government, Democratic soft boys, Scarlett Johansson, weird Republican P0rn, and Pete Buttigieg. #644 The World's...

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BEST OF The LEFT Show | Meta Meta Meta

BEST OF The LEFT Show | Meta Meta Meta

This was The LEFT Show's 250th Episode. A big show was planned ... a clip show emerged. Now it's a Best Of ... a clip show inside a best of ... meta! What do you do when you throw a 250th Episode celebration and no one shows up? Have a chat with Forrest, that's what....

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642 The LEFT Show | Phil Lyman’s N-Word Problem

642 The LEFT Show | Phil Lyman’s N-Word Problem

It's Monday in America, time for The World's Greatest Political Podcast: THE LEFT SHOW! This week, J.M. Bell, JC and Taylor step carefully though the latest election news, criminal trial news, MAGA news, international news, and Republican's penchant for murdering...

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I Told You So

017 I Told You So | Denver Part 2 and More!

017 I Told You So | Denver Part 2 and More!

This week on I Told You So, JM and Tiffany talk about what's happened since the Denver trip, where the hell they've been and what's going on now. Several steps to help keep a marriage happy, and letters! 017 I Told You So Podcast Apple...

016 I Told You So | Denver Part 1

016 I Told You So | Denver Part 1

This week on I Told You So, JM and Tiffany are headed to Denver! for a funeral ... 🙁 - Jeff just uses this as an excuse to tell Denver Tales! 016 I Told You So Podcast Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify (sorry) Google Podcasts, and AMAZON too!  

015 I Told You So | Other Folks Advice

015 I Told You So | Other Folks Advice

This week on I Told You So: Tiffany and JM discuss different ways to make your partner feel loved, simple tasks to make your partner feel loved, and loving your partner. Some of it's healthy, too! 015 I Told You So Podcast Apple...

014 I Told You So |  Dirty Talk 101

014 I Told You So | Dirty Talk 101

This week on I Told You So: Tiffany and JM discuss the art of Dirty Talk, how to do it, how to start it, and how to make it fun! The letters section is both spicy and sad. 014 I Told You So Podcast Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify (sorry) Google Podcasts,...

013 I Told You So | High Value Men and Women

013 I Told You So | High Value Men and Women

This week on I Told You So: Tiffany and JM talk about the new movement of High Quality Men & Women, how they're different, and what, exactly it means to be High Value. Then they answer three letters from frustrated spouses. 013 I Told You So Podcast Apple...

012 I Told You So | Contagion And Response

012 I Told You So | Contagion And Response

This week on I Told You So: Tiffany and JM talk about how to take care of a spouse when they're ill. Then the dynamic duo answer some odd letters. 012 I Told You So Podcast Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify (sorry) Google Podcasts, and AMAZON too!

011 I Told You So | How You Know They’re Not Garbage

011 I Told You So | How You Know They’re Not Garbage

This week on I Told You So: Tiffany and JM jump into a list! 10 Ways You Know You're With A Good Person ... sort of. Then the duo give their take on a couple of odd letters. 011 I Told You So Podcast Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify (sorry) Google Podcasts,...

010 I Told You So | Bad Answers to Bad Questions

010 I Told You So | Bad Answers to Bad Questions

This week on I Told You So: Tiffany and JM tear into a relationship quiz, talk about abusive spouses, make comments on how not awesome some people are, and make nice with each other. 010 I Told You So Podcast Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify (sorry) Google Podcasts,...

009 I Told You So | Your Cheatin’ Heart

009 I Told You So | Your Cheatin’ Heart

This week on I Told You So: Tiffany and JM talk about Relationship Tips That Are Actually Terrible Advice, ex-spouses, cheatin' hearts, career goals, and the art of compromise. 009 I Told You So Podcast Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify (sorry) Google Podcasts,...

0008 I Told You So | Mutual Appreciation Society

0008 I Told You So | Mutual Appreciation Society

This week on I Told You So: Tiffany and JM talk about communication styles, paint scenarios for communications, and the difficulties of talking to your partner(s). 008 I Told You So Podcast Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify (sorry) Google Podcasts,...

The Written Rants

Things to do in Denver …

My friend Ken died. I mean, shit happens, right? No use getting all emotional, you know what I mean? Sure, he was a fucking legend, one of the kindest souls to ever walk this rarified orb, but crying isn’t going to help. I can’t stop crying this morning. Ken and I...

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I’m trying …

I've become stuck and forgot my words. Poetry. I skipped writing poetry in high school. I was too busy pretending to be novelist and a playwright. When I got to college at 17 years old, I had a creative writing professor take exception at my low opinion of writing...

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20 Years of … What?

Parenting when you're bad at it. Hit a trigger this morning. Things got shitty when I turned 30. Life became a work slog just to survive. We needed me to work and work and work to pay rent and bills and buy food ... normal stuff, sure, but 30 started my run of bad...

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Will Work For … Food?

I need work. Lots and lots of work, and very quickly. I seem to have run out of stuff to sell. I used to have a nice collection of things that I not only took joy in owning, but that I was planning to pass along to my kiddos at what will most certainly be my untimely...

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