016 I Told You So | Denver Part 1

016 I Told You So | Denver Part 1

This week on I Told You So, JM and Tiffany are headed to Denver! for a funeral … 🙁 – Jeff just uses this as an excuse to tell Denver Tales! 016 I Told You So Podcast Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify (sorry) Google Podcasts, and AMAZON too!...
015 I Told You So | Other Folks Advice

015 I Told You So | Other Folks Advice

This week on I Told You So: Tiffany and JM discuss different ways to make your partner feel loved, simple tasks to make your partner feel loved, and loving your partner. Some of it’s healthy, too! 015 I Told You So Podcast Apple...
014 I Told You So |  Dirty Talk 101

014 I Told You So | Dirty Talk 101

This week on I Told You So: Tiffany and JM discuss the art of Dirty Talk, how to do it, how to start it, and how to make it fun! The letters section is both spicy and sad. 014 I Told You So Podcast Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify (sorry) Google Podcasts,...
013 I Told You So | High Value Men and Women

013 I Told You So | High Value Men and Women

This week on I Told You So: Tiffany and JM talk about the new movement of High Quality Men & Women, how they’re different, and what, exactly it means to be High Value. Then they answer three letters from frustrated spouses. 013 I Told You So Podcast Apple...
012 I Told You So | Contagion And Response

012 I Told You So | Contagion And Response

This week on I Told You So: Tiffany and JM talk about how to take care of a spouse when they’re ill. Then the dynamic duo answer some odd letters. 012 I Told You So Podcast Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify (sorry) Google Podcasts,...