Ha Ha! We tricked Weston Clark into the studio to chat with JM, Sgt. Jake, and Forrest about his days as the Salt Lake County Party Chair, an elitist level teacher (you know, smart kids), the host of his very own radio show, Weston Clark’s Progress Report, AND, he’s running for the Utah Senate.
We have our last Romney Watch 2012 (as a regular segment), Karl Rove has finally lost his mind, Mitt screws his campaign staff, Bush had better Mormon numbers, and Mittens made 15 million on the Auto Bailout.
Vaginal Americans won the election on Tuesday, and the Right Wing Media is killing the Right Wing Politicians.
Nate Silver is the new Chuck Norris, as it were.
The return of the The LEFT Show’s, GOP Jesus Wanker of the Week!
Jason Williams returns with the GOP’s crusade against Americans carrying concealed vaginas to the voting booth on a new Bat Sh@t Crazy! All this and more!