Things have been totally chaotic this week, so, this one is short and fast and, frankly, quite rambling. I mean, I’m exhausted and on the 3rd day of a screaming purple migraine – but it’s kinda funny. I spend most of the time talking about Mark Shurtleff and John Swallow … so, you know – if you’re from out of town, this might get a little dry.

On July 23rd, the cast of The LEFT Show and Hold 322 will be at the Barnes & Noble at 1100 E. 2100 S. in Sugarhouse. If you’re in the area, drop in and say hi as we celebrate Batman’s 75 Birthday!

Fat Camp starts TOMORROW, July 22, 2014 – REGISTER NOW! 

The Deadline for Vote Not GOP is fast approaching. – PARTICIPATE NOW! 

Now – ON WITH THE SHOW! such as it is.

192 The LEFT Show Podcast


The LEFTy Links!

Swallow-Shurtleff charges: a black eye and a silver lining
Former AGs Shurtleff and Swallow Hit with 21 Felonies Combined
Swallow, Shurtleff arrested, face 23 counts, up to 30 years prison
And of course … Deseret News & KSL’s Headlines
Swallow, Shurtleff released from jail
Crimes or politics? The legal battles begin for Swallow, Shurtleff