So – while I have a lot to say on the Matheson vs. Wright fight, and I plan on going on at length later, I just want to throw this little note out there …

We keep getting told that we should support Matheson because it’s important that he be there for the “important” votes – and he’s not there. More and more it seems like we send him there to vote for the GOP on the important votes.

Yes, he’s great on military and veteran’s issues and he’s pretty good on nuclear waste … but what about the other stuff? Health Care Reform, Torture, Habeas Corpus, Iraq, Gay marriage, anon, anon and etc..

He’s got all the political capital in the world; Utah’s most popular politician, and yet when he runs to Fox News and calls Democrats a bunch of money thieving socialists – we’re supposed to give him a hug and pretend it doesn’t hurt.