email letter2 2

Dear Friends,

I’d like to offer my sincere thanks to those of you I’ve had the opportunity to either meet in person or talk with on the telephone over the last several months. As I continue expressing my views of good government and my desires to work for the people of Utah in the U.S. Senate, I want to ask you to do two things:

1. Compare the candidates. Take a long look at both web sites and compare our plans and our issues. I suggest starting at For several months, as I’ve worked to reach out to every delegate in person, by phone and email, I’ve had a plan; a clear outlining of important issues and solutions.

2. Ask me questions. As detailed and as open as this campaign has been, I know that some of you still have questions about who I am and what I believe. The simplest solution to any problem is usually the best solution – so; call me and ask.

openBetween now and the state convention, my phone line is open and I am standing by to take your calls. Leave a message if you don’t get through and I’ll return the call as soon as I can.

Take the time to get to know me and the reasons I’m running for the U.S. Senate. I am always happy to share with you my thoughts and feelings on any given issue. I also promise to listen to your take and engage in sincere discussion and constructive dialogue about the topics that matter most to all Utahns.


Christopher Stout