Rudy Giuliani Has 9/11 Tourettes

From TPM:  Rudy Invokes 9/11 To Deflect Questions About Iowa Loss By Greg Sargent Rudy Giuliani, speaking about his sixth place finish in Iowa yesterday: “None of this worries me — Sept. 11, there were times I was worried.” As a GOP operative I know...

Senate Republicans Block Anti-Torture Bill

From the AP via TPM: Senate Republicans blocked a bill Friday that would restrict the interrogation methods the CIA can use against terrorism suspects. The legislation, part of a measure authorizing the government’s intelligence activities for 2008, had been...

KKKarl Rove: Contemptuous! (Josh Bolten, too)

Karl Rove, one of the Sith Lords behind the ascension of the Former Governor of Texas, has been charged today with contempt. Oh, and so is White House Chief of Staff Josh Bolten, but he’s more of a political dupe and future scapegoat than a Sith Lord (what do...