It’s Monday in America, time for the World’s Greatest Political Podcast ™ – The LEFT Show! This week, JM Bell talks to Clarity, and JC about what’s happening in Washington DC, the march of the right wing wackadoodles, heroic efforts in government behavior, and the moral corruption of Mitch McConnell.

#497 The World’s Greatest Political Podcast – The LEFT Show 

iTunes, Stitcher, and Google Play, too!


The LEFT Show Links


Massachusetts National Guard sets straight story
Senior Trump Official: We Were Wrong, He’s a ‘Fascist’
Biden inheriting nonexistent coronavirus vaccine distribution plan
New Coronavirus Strategy Isn’t Just ‘Let The States Fight,’


‘TRAITORS GET SHOT’ … Alleged Threat to His Kids
“Cowboys for Trump” founder arrested by FBI
Capitol rioters express regret for participating in unrest
Parler’s partial return is supported by a Russian tech firm


AOC Skipped Inauguration to Join a Strike
Biden Fires Trump Appointee At National Labor Relations Board
Biden’s defense pick wants to allow trans people to serve in the military
U.S. Embassies Can Fly LGBTQ+ Pride Flags Again Under Biden
Joe Biden Began His Presidency By Upsetting TERFs
‘Biden is not going to be breaking news at 1am on Twitter’


McConnell’s obstruction of Biden’s agenda has already begun
Biden Didn’t Tell MAGA He Wasn’t Going To Deprogram Them
Mitch McConnell Pinky Promises To Stop Hitting Them
Murkowski Backs Legislation to Ratify ERA Now After McConnell Blocked Vote
Paul says Biden’s push for raising minimum wage shows he hates Black teenagers


Senate Republican threatens impeachments of past Democratic presidents
Biden ‘has not spent a moment thinking about the color scheme of Air Force One’
PayPal boots Jenna Ryan
Kamala Harris was sworn in on a stack of Bibles — not a clutch purse