It’s Monday in America™, and time for The LEFT Show! For this, our very special 350th episode, JC showed up. What started as the introduction to a best of show turned into an entire hour long show! From Trump running around Asia, the inherent pornography of OKLAHOMA the Musical, and Donna Brazile is an idiot, but not in the way everyone thinks. There’s a brand new MANSplaining, too.

350 The LEFT Show

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The LEFT Links

Power Consolidation Or Failed Coup In Saudi Arabia?
How the Democrats Are Failing the Resistance
Donna Brazile: I considered replacing Clinton with Biden
Clinton Campaign Staffers Accuse Brazile Of Buying Into ‘Russian Propaganda’
Inside Hillary Clinton’s Secret Takeover of the DNC
Payson Jr. High accused of exposing children to pornography

The LEFT Show #350

by JM Bell | Monday in America