Seriously, enough is enough.

Hey Mitt, I think that you’re too big of a sissy to fight me. I think that you’re too small of a man to meet me in a gym the next time you’re in Utah and go three rounds. Aren’t you, you giant sissy.

Let me sweeten the pot: I’m over weight, out of shape and I actually eat the skin on a piece of fried chicken. I sit at a desk for about 12 hours a day and I don’t move a lot. I broke my neck a few years ago and I can’t really turn my head, especially to the left. I’m a physical mess, Mitt. And you’re not man enough to fight me, are you?

Why so serious, you ask?

Your concession speech, you feckless stain. You whimpered out of this race with fighting words toward Democrats, of which I am one, and you know what? I’ve taken it personally.

YOU: I simply cannot let my campaign be a part of aiding a surrender to terror.

WTF? Where have you been? The War on Terror is the war we’re currently losing in Afghanistan, you idiot. What are you talking about? It seems you’ve forgotten, Mr. Double Guantanamo, who’s running the war show.

I understand that most of my fellow Democrats are a little too soft to issue this challenge, but, I’m not your typical Democrat.

You said that “if I fight on in my campaign, all the way to the convention, I’d forestall the launch of a national campaign and make it more likely that Senator Clinton or Obama would win.”

Really? If you stayed in the race, you would have made McCain’s numbers about 15% smaller. He’s going to win by an even bigger margin and most of the members of the GOP that hate him, hate you too, for different reasons.

You’ve shown that you’re a liar and a candyass, especially by your statement that your 5 sons are serving America, not by joining the ranks of the war you so gleefully cheer lead but, by campaigning for their risible father on his pathetic and truth-free attempt to the highest office in federal service.

You’re disgusting.

You’re a rich man who despises the poor, yet claims to be a Christian:

The threat to our culture comes from within. The 1960’s welfare programs created a culture of poverty. Some think we won that battle when we reformed welfare, but the liberals haven’t given up. At every turn, they try to substitute government largesse for individual responsibility.

Feed the poor? Care for your fellow man? What Christ is it you believe in?

You hate the non-“Christian,” even as you abandon the teachings of your savior:

Europe is facing a demographic disaster. That is the inevitable product of weakened faith in the Creator, failed families, disrespect for the sanctity of human life and eroded morality. Some reason that culture is merely an accessory to America’s vitality; we know that it is the source of our strength. And we are not dissuaded by the snickers and knowing glances when we stand up for family values, and morality, and culture. We will always be honored to stand on principle and to stand for principle.

Remember that you wouldn’t hire a Muslim for your cabinet. Remember the illegals that you had working at your house and then fired when your GOP buddies found out? Did you not notice the Europe’s economy is kicking the hell out of ours right now? Where the hell did you find the imagination to make this stuff up? Don’t speak to me of principle, Mitt, because you have none.

Our prosperity and security also depend on finally acting to become energy secure. Oil producing states like Russia and Venezuela, Saudi Arabia and Iran are siphoning over $400 billion per year from our economy – that’s almost what we spend annually for defense. It is past time for us to invest in energy technology, nuclear power, clean coal, liquid coal, renewable sources and energy efficiency. America must never be held hostage by the likes of Putin, Chavez, and Ahmadinejad.

Ok, so, why do you and your party keep standing in the way of real, sustainable change in our energy policy? Why? Pretty words, chuckle head, but a complete pack of lies.

And our economy is also burdened by the inexorable ramping of government spending. Don’t focus on the pork alone – even though it is indeed irritating and shameful. Look at the entitlements. They make up 60% of federal spending today.

Bill Clinton left a surplus. You GOP guys did this. Quit blaming the poor because you cant stop spending.

It’s high time to lower taxes, including corporate taxes, to take a weed-whacker to government regulations, to reform entitlements, and to stand up to the increasingly voracious appetite of the unions in our government.

Give rich people tax breaks, convince the ignorant Republican voter that the tax breaks are for them, disenfranchise the poor even further and, my God, whatever you do, don’t let working men and women gather in a group to stop the corporations from raping them … did I get that right?

I could do this throughout most ever point of your speech but, I think the thing that makes me mad enough to want to fight you is this: the fine people of the LDS church who have such a flawed and twisted perception from the majority of the world, fell in love with you, supported you and blindly voted for you got you as their example to the world of what a Mormon is. A liar, a deceiver, a greedy corporate whore and, most of all, a really bad example of a Mormon and a Christian.

Good job, Mitt.