Well, in just under two hours, everything changes for me (and, alas, for Salt Lake City). I spent all day yesterday here at the City and County Building finishing off any outstanding work I had on the programs I’ve been running, hoping that someone will take a look at them in the future.
The building was quiet and, for the most part, empty.
I don’t know if you’ve ever been in this grand old building before, and, if you have, if you can imagine what it’s like when it’s dark and empty, but I love it.
Aside from the honor of working for the people of Salt Lake City this last year, I have fallen in love with this building. I think I’ll miss being in the building more than any other aspect of this job.
I love the people that I’ve worked with. I’ve enjoyed the people I’ve dealt with in this job. I am a firm and devout zealot in the almighty power of the Blackberry (which I have to go give back now, damnit).
I suppose I’m feeling maudlin about this whole experience of transition, but, I was startled yesterday, and again this morning with the controlled mayhem of preparation, at what a wonderful, beautiful and important building this is and how much I’ve come to love it in just a short time.