by JMBell | Aug 1, 2012 | ALEC, GOP, HOLD322, JMBell, LGBT, The Left Show, Utah Legislature
Big-ish, exciting-like episode of The LEFT Show for Wednesday. We’re still in the Big Empty Room with Eric from ABU, so, join Jeff, JC and Forrest in Alliance for a Better Utah’s ALEC EXPOSED … rented location. PLUS! A return of The LEFT...
by JMBell | Jun 20, 2012 | America, Democrats, Election, GOP, HOLD322, OBAMA!, Shatner, The Left Show, UNION YES!
Jake and JM Bell brought Deep Voice Guy Troy Hughes to join me in the discussion of the wacky news of the week – a few weeks ago! This BEST OF Episode? It was full of the following tasty tidbits: Do you know the difference between a Squid, an octopus and a...
by JMBell | May 24, 2012 | America, entertainment, HOLD322, JMBell
This week on Hold 322! JC and JM return with new offerings from Galactus’ Snack bag. Nightwing’s battle with his ancestor continues and the story finally gets epic. Meanwhile, Catwoman defends the Penguin from his Talon attacker. I think she could have...
by JMBell | May 1, 2012 | HOLD322, The Left Show
The Avengers opening notwithstanding … this is going to be an EPIC year for Superhero movies.
by JMBell | Apr 19, 2012 | entertainment, HOLD322, JMBell, Shatner
This week on Hold 322… Mark Millar and Dave Gibbons collaborate in a bloody and fun look at the British Secret Service. Poor Mark Hamill. Jason Aaron says goodbye to Wolverine with the help of Steve Dillon. Thor gets a dot-one issue featuring our favorite member...
by JMBell | Mar 22, 2012 | entertainment, Global, HOLD322, The Left Show
This week on Hold 322! Fantastic Four #604 wraps up its long long long running story line. If you thought Johnny coming back from the dead was something, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet! Huntress ends, but like Children’s Crusade, didn’t really need...