This week on Hold 322! Fantastic Four #604 wraps up its long long long running story line. If you thought Johnny coming back from the dead was something, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet! Huntress ends, but like Children’s Crusade, didn’t really need this final issue. The new Avengers Assemble feels like a comic written for kids, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing. The Ray ends, I get the issue of Incredible Hulk I should have gotten 3 issues ago, and a very important conversation is had in the pages of Captain America. We come to the defense of newspaper comic strips, and Brian K. Vaughn and Fiona Staples give us epic sci-fi fantasy, the likes of which we rarely see, in their new Saga comic. All this and Bob’s Question of the week!
Face front, true believers, It’s Hold 322!
CLICK –> Issue #24 – Hold 322 Podcast
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