Jake and JM Bell brought Deep Voice Guy Troy Hughes to join me in the discussion of the wacky news of the week – a few weeks ago! This BEST OF Episode? It was full of the following tasty tidbits:
Do you know the difference between a Squid, an octopus and a starfish? Well, listen to this week’s episode, and special guest Troy Hughes explains … well, you still won’t know. Another week passes and Jeff forgets to tell his tale of the day he met 4 Mitt Romney’s at the 2002 Olympics.
Michelle Bachmann cuts the last thread holding her to reality. The California Supreme Court opens the season against folks in the LGBT community again. Newt Gingrich is a dirty, dirty old man. Republicans are now the best liars on the InterWebTubes … total GOP domination. Rick Perry is an idiot, some more …
Jason Has a Bat Sh@t Crazy – or something like that.
All this and more!
#48 – The LEFT Show – I Know Romney
Bachmann Has No Clue – CLICK HERE
The California Supreme Court sucks – CLICK HERE
Newt is an asshole, again – CLICK HERE
Republican Liars POWN the Nets – CLICK HERE
Rick Perry is a total moron, totally – CLICK HERE