This week on Hold 322! JC and JM return with new offerings from Galactus’ Snack bag. Nightwing‘s battle with his ancestor continues and the story finally gets epic. Meanwhile, Catwoman defends the Penguin from his Talon attacker. I think she could have waited a bit longer, but that’s just me. Justice League gives us a good story again, finally, but the stand out is the Shazam story at the end. The Incredible Hulk gives us a big reveal, while Matt Fraction repeats the Demon in a Bottle story arc in Iron Man.
We learn that IDW is bringing back The Crow (emo metal-heads and pro-wrestling fans rejoice!) and we talk about the Green Arrow trailer.
All this and The Secret Service! Face front, true believers! It’s Hold 322!
CLICK TO LISTEN! –> Issue #32 – Hold 322 Podcast