J.M. Bell
Jeff Bell is a professional writer, musician, wonk, and political consultant. He’s been working in and around politics since 1989 when he volunteered on a Price City Council campaign for free guitar strings.
Jeff is the former Democratic National Committee Communications Director for Utah (2005-2007), ran for Utah State Democratic Party Chair in 2009 (was crushed), and ran for Utah House 43 in 2012 (40% with less than 5k in campaign spending), and was the president of the Children’s Justice Corps, a non-profit entity that educated about sexual and physical crimes against children and lobbied for smarter, long term prosecution and punishment for offenders.
Jeff spent 3 years as the host of Left of the Dial on KSL NewsRadio, fulfilling a lifelong dream and proving that you should be careful what you wish for, because you just might get it … and it might be a giant turd.
Jeff is also the Owner of Defenestrate Media Group, home of The LEFT Show, a ground breaking network for developing grassroots media, internet delivered original content, progressive leaning content across a vast, non political topic sphere, and several award winning podcasts.
Winner – Best of State from City Weekly in 2010 (Radio Show) & 2012 (Lefty Podcast)