From the Citizen of Laconia:

As political pundits and media mavens analyze the results of Thursday’s Iowa caucuses, most Lakes Region Democrats are celebrating victories. But a few are left with four short days to find another candidate.

Last year, Connecticut Sen. Chris Dodd made 21 New Hampshire visits and Delaware Sen. Joe Biden made 24 — but none of their area supporters will get a chance to cast a vote for either of them.

“I was kind of hoping I had the best but the people just didn’t see it that way,” said Dodd supporter and Tilton resident Pat Clark.

Clark said he hasn’t chosen another candidate yet but, at this point in time, doesn’t see himself supporting New York Sen. Hillary Clinton.

“Bill Richardson. I like him,” said Clark who said he likes his message but worries about his viability.

Both Biden and Dodd had a good deal of support in New Hampshire, and, it a majority of their supporters move into Richardson’s camp, then Richardson is still in play as a co0ntender for 3rd place.

The majority opinion, however, of Biden and Dodd supporters is “anyone but Clinton” and that makes her goal of placing top three, let alone winning the state, harder still.

If Richardson takes a solid 3rd place in New Hampshire, and then finishes strong in Nevada (totally doable) then he is in a good position to ride his momentum into a strong finish in South Carolina.

The burden, therefore falls to Iowa’s top three finishers.

CLINTON – has the most work to do in the next couple of days. She had to be fierce without attacking Obama. She probably would have won Iowa if she’d focused on the need for change, sincerely distanced herself from some of her bad decisions as a Senator over the years and let The President out more often to stump for her.

EDWARDS – Needs to keep up that “Stumping with a smile” seriousness that he does so well. He’s a good candidate and he needs to spend time playing to his strengths. No whining.

OBAMA – Don’t say or do anything stupid and pray that there isn’t a scandal hiding among your staffers. Daily message briefings to EVERYONE about how to talk to the press, because, as the #1 guy in Iowa, the media jackals are going to be desperate to find a staffer who will say or do something dumb.