You know us as The LEFT Show and the World’s Greatest Comic Book Podcast, but did you know we’ve done other shows? Over the last 12 years, we’ve hosted a myriad of shows featuring voices and topics you really can’t get anywhere else.

Once a year, mostly, we open up a GoFundMe to help pay our static bills for the year. Usually, we ask for help with hosting, domain renewals, SSL certificates, bandwidth usage and equipment repair, just to name a few things.

This year is different. THIS YEAR, we’re kicking it up a notch. We’re building a studio, but not just a podcast studio … a broadcast studio!

That’s right, we’re evolving. We’re shopping office space to build the next step in our Network’s adventure. A lot of you have been asking when we’re going to start doing Video with the podcasts, and this is your time to shine!

HOW? Easy. Two paths to success: Fundraising and Sponsorships. We’re working hard on pulling in a few sponsors for the year, and we’re asking folks to help us bridge the gap!

This is not only a way for the World’s Greatest Podcast Network to record the shows you already know and love, but to expand the lineup with new shows, and to help people and non-profits to record their own shows. We’ve committed, over the years, to helping launch new voices and evolving the pod-space for important messages.

The LEFT Show Podcast!

630 The LEFT Show | Caillou Cox and the Fake Tears Tour

630 The LEFT Show | Caillou Cox and the Fake Tears Tour

It's Monday in America, time for The World's Greatest Political Podcast: THE LEFT SHOW! This week, J.M. Bell, Tiffany and JC catch up on the news. DeSantis is out, Nikki is Hunter, Walmart and the Army. Is the GOP okay? It's looking weird over there. Finally,...

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629 The LEFT Show | American Goulash

629 The LEFT Show | American Goulash

It's Monday in America, time for The World's Greatest Political Podcast: THE LEFT SHOW! This week, J.M. Bell, Taylor and JC talk through the newest news, from Green Day to Cuban, smelly ex-presidents, "Getting Over" school shootings, and the lie of Republican...

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628 The LEFT Show | The Year In Review, Kinda

628 The LEFT Show | The Year In Review, Kinda

It's Monday in America, time for The World's Greatest Political Podcast: THE LEFT SHOW! This week, J.M. Bell, Taylor and JC talk about the Big News of the Week, and review 2023 for faults. Then the gang talks about the Government and what we're looking forward to in...

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627 The LEFT Show | Suffer The Little Consequences

627 The LEFT Show | Suffer The Little Consequences

It's Monday in America, time for The World's Greatest Political Podcast: THE LEFT SHOW! This week, J.M. Bell, Tiffany and JC go from Marxist Jazz to Books Save Lives! Schumer stands up, Giuliani sits down, and vanity in politics is alive and well. #627 The World's...

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626 The LEFT Show | Random, More Random, and Maria

626 The LEFT Show | Random, More Random, and Maria

It's Monday in America, time for The World's Greatest Political Podcast: THE LEFT SHOW! This week, J.M. Bell, Taylor and JC take the time to explain to the Texas GOP that NAZIS ARE BAD! An American Hero passes away, Fish are spawning, and more dumb Texas stuff....

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625 The LEFT Show | Kissinger of Death

625 The LEFT Show | Kissinger of Death

It's Monday in America, time for The World's Greatest Political Podcast: THE LEFT SHOW! This week, J.M. Bell, Taylor and JC take apart the good and take apart the bad, and you take them both apart and then you have some money stuff. It's the GOP run amuck, and some...

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624 The LEFT Show | The Thin Blue Line?

624 The LEFT Show | The Thin Blue Line?

It's Monday in America, time for The World's Greatest Political Podcast: THE LEFT SHOW! This week, J.M. Bell, Taylor and special guest comedian and film guru Paul Michael talk about some good things that have happened, having a merry shanksgiving, and cheering on the...

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622 The LEFT Show | Gunpowder, Treason and Plot

622 The LEFT Show | Gunpowder, Treason and Plot

It's Monday in America, time for The World's Greatest Political Podcast: THE LEFT SHOW! This week, J.M. Bell, Taylor and JC sit to discuss new Speaker Mike Johnson and all the wacky Republican hijinks that come with it. Republicans getting in trouble with kids,...

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621 The LEFT Show | Bad Dad Jokes

621 The LEFT Show | Bad Dad Jokes

It's Monday in America, time for The World's Greatest Political Podcast: THE LEFT SHOW! This week, J.M. Bell, Taylor and Tiffany talk about all the people who died this week, how Republicans need to USE THEIR WORDS, COVID working, Governor Gun Runner, Hamas in Moscow...

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620 The LEFT Show | Day of Jubilation

620 The LEFT Show | Day of Jubilation

It's Monday in America, time for The World's Greatest Political Podcast: THE LEFT SHOW! This week, J.M. Bell and Tiffany talk about Gym Jordan, Madge, and a tickle fight in the GOP caucus. Chaffetz is clown, Jon Stewart is out, and Putin, Powell and Trump. #620 The...

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619 The LEFT Show | Beavis and Butthead Do A Congress

619 The LEFT Show | Beavis and Butthead Do A Congress

It's Monday in America, time for The World's Greatest Political Podcast: THE LEFT SHOW! This week, J.M. Bell, Taylor, and JC talk about Israel & Hamas, a dysfunctional Congress, Neo-Cons, RFK and Jr, another health care scam, and the power of Taylor Swift! #619...

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I Told You So

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The Written Rants

Esoteric Arguments

What’s it going to be today? I wrote an article for Salt Baked City Magazine about the political history of cannabis in Utah and other states, and how to use your voice and your vote to improve medical cannabis access in Utah. It comes out in about a week, and you can...

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Trainwrecks & Chit Chat

Making the most of not being able to make progress. I’m a trainwreck. I’m from a generation of trainwrecks. As a messed up kid, I went to therapy a few times. It was for my parent’s divorce. It basically came down to three visits where the last question asked in each...

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Thanks! You’re all awesome!

I had a "surprise" party. This should be a quick one. Fun story: I don’t go out much. I have an aversion to crowds that dates back a couple of decades, but got worse toward the end of 2016. Those are other stories for a different. However, I don’t like going out, not...

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Happy Birthday To Me This one is a ramble. I’m pretty sure I’ve turned this Not-A-Blog into therapy. I always seem to feel a little better having a nice vent for the few of you that read these, at any rate. So, it’s time to whine and shine again. I was watching Patton...

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