Welcome to another episode of the AWARD WINNING The LEFT Show! Eric, JC, Forrest and Jeff break down … into an awful lot pf congratulatory back patting and well wishing. There is some discussion about Republicans and GOP stuff … but, this is a weirdly positive show – in the first half anyway!
We’re back on the front line of the GOP’s War on Women, we have a new This Week In Gay and two terrible candidates for this week’s The LEFT Show’s GOP Jesus Wanker of The Week!
Jason is back with an all new Bat Sh@t Crazy …
All this and more …
Rep. Gwen Moore, HERO – CLICK HERE
No violence against LGBTQ? Really? – CLICK HERE
Bipartisan Brown? – CLICK HERE
Nathan Fletcher leaves the GOP – CLICK HERE
Rand Paul, corporate whore – CLICK HERE
Mitt Romney, corporate whore – CLICK HERE
Justice Scalia, Taxpayer funded whore – CLICK HERE
So Eric finally returns to The Left Show, and he sounds like he doesn’t want to be there.
Exactly! At least when Jeff gets ego-testicle, he’s goofing off. Eric seems like a nice guy but he so whiny! Bring Jake back every week
Congrats on the best of utah win guys!!!!
Eric got maddest when Jeff was picking on him, but these guys always pick on each other so maybe Eric needs to get a thicker skin?
So Eric finally returns to The Left Show, and he sounds like he doesn’t want to be there.