From the Utah Democratic Party

Today is a sad day indeed. Utah’s greatest Democrat passed away comfortably in his sleep last night. Todd Taylor, 46, an icon of Utah and national politics, served as the Executive Director for the Utah State Democratic Party for over 20 years. His tenure made him the longest serving Party Executive Director in the country. He was our compass, advisor, mentor, and wiseman. His leadership, vision, and dry sense of humor will be remembered and honored as long as we have Democrats in Utah.

Thank you to the Democrats, Independents, and Republicans who have been overwhelming in their support. It is incredibly moving to watch Utahns from all backgrounds share their stories of Todd on Facebook and Twitter with the hashtag #toddtaylor. Here are some of the thoughts people have shared:

“He was the institutional memory and the spirit of the Utah Democratic Party. Any Democrat that has been elected over the past 20 years owes part of that victory to Todd. He will solely be missed and he is irreplaceable.”
– Meg Holbrook, former Utah State Democratic Party Chair (1997-2003)

“Todd Taylor was known across the United States as one of the brightest and most resourceful talents in our party at any level. He was the trusted source for Utah Democrats as well as state party executive directors and state party chairs for nearly a quarter century. He is irreplaceable in so many ways.”
– Wayne Holland, former Utah State Democratic Party Chair (2005 – 2011)

“As you can imagine, our hearts are broken. Todd was my very close friend, mentor and advisor. He was the encyclopedia of Utah politics. I really can’t imagine Utah Democratic Party without him.”
– Patrice Arent, National Committee Woman

“He was institution in the party. He could answer any question simply with the knowledge in his head. He knew everything from the list of Vice Presidents since Kennedy, to the changes in state election law year to year. Not only will we miss him in the party, we will miss him as a friend.”
– Lauren Littlefield, Salt Lake County Executive Director

“The first time I went to D.C., it was with Todd. He made me wait till the sun went down to visit the monuments. I’ll always remember how beautiful the Korean War Memorial is at night, how quiet and reverent the Lincoln Memorial was; the FDR Memorial, the Washington Monument and how we both stood still and quiet in the cold at the Jefferson Memorial, reading the words and contemplating. “They’re better at night,” he said. “They let you think.”
– Jeff Bell

“Todd was many things to many people, but to me, ultimately, he was a cherished and beloved friend and I am honored to have know him.”
– Rob Miller, State Party Treasurer

“You walk into the Party office and you see Todd Taylor. You not only expect to see him there, you rely on it (especially when you need help!). And Todd was always there and always willing to lend a hand. Better was just shooting the bull with the man. I’ll miss his laugh, his wisdom, our occasional bickering and his stories. An institution, a friend and part of our Utah State Democratic Party and Salt Lake County Democratic Party family.”
– Richard Jaramillo

Todd served as the Executive Director of the Utah State Democratic Party since 1992. He was first interested in politics following his career as a Chiropractor and advocating for the Utah Chiropractic Association. He was active in campaigns his entire life, including Campaign Manager for J. Dell Holbrook for Davis County Commission, and Kem Gardner for Governor. He will be missed.

We will keep you in the loop as arrangements and other information becomes available. Please continue to post on facebook and twitter using the hashtag #toddtaylor.

Jim Dabakis
Utah State Democratic Party Chair