This is the first pre-launch episode of The LEFT Show – think of it – if you will – as one of those pre-season Football games that used to get me preempted when I did this on mainstream radio. They can be very entertaining, but, alas, they don’t count toward the national ranking … or some more accurate sports analogy. You get the picture.
A quick warning – there’s a few little swears in here – it is, after all, a bunch of callus, jaded and embittered grown-ups talking about the world we live in, so … If you feel like sending me a letter telling me that there’s curse words – I already know (a bunch of them are mine).
When you talked about Tooele and its “representation” I could definitely relate. I live in a part of West Valley City that is represented by Jason Chaffetz, who is considered by the general public to be mainly the “UT county” representative. I know his office is located near Jordan Landing, but let’s face it West Valley does not equal the Jordans in political leanings. I feel frustrated every time I vote, because I KNOW the person for whom I vote for Senate will not win, will likely never win. Isn’t gerrymandering special?!
Thanks for your podcast, I look forward to future shows!
Oops, self-correction: I said Senate when I meant Congress.