This has been a particularly annoying year – and it was late in the day before I could wrap my head around anything aside from the default things I’m Thankful for – and, too be honest, there weren’t many things.
One thing, however, that I am thankful for, is that after Cartoon Network won the world’s greatest prank, the popularity of the Rick Roll pretty much disappeared.
Not many things to be greatful for? Obama in the White House, both chambers of congress owned by the Democrats, shouldn’t we be living in a leftist utopia by now? Where is all the change I was promised? What is stopping the left from living out their dreams? I was promised change damn it, I was promised change. Now if you will excuse me, I’m off to watch the same old Charlie Brown Christmas Special. Nothing ever changes for that poor s.o.b either.
First Obama is a centrist, Second the democrats are hardly in control given the slighted shape of the senate that allows republicans with a little blue dog support filibuster or other slow down everything via parliamentary procedure. Their are over 100 house of rep bills waiting review by the senate. only 1 of the 36 or so judical nominees that Obama has sent has been approved and not due to them being voted against but due entirely to Republican delays and filibuster tactics.
The Republican party is absolutely hell bent on hurting Obama anyway they can even if it means shutting down the government, destroying the economy or otherwise causing great pain to the American people.
To hell w/ being thankful. I’m unemployed and the holidays will be even skimpier on material things than they have been in past years.
But all that aside. I haven’t watched the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade since I was Jr. High, so I missed that little gem of the greatest Rick Roll of all time. (That was funny!) THANK YOU Jeff, for posting it.