I can only hope that my kids end up this precocious. I’d be very proud.
From Salon:
On Monday, Oct. 5, at an elementary school in Washington County, Ark., Will Phillips, a precocious 10-year-old who had been promoted from third to fifth grade, refused to join his class in standing and reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. His parents have gay friends, and Will claimed that the denial of gay marriage means that the U.S. lacks “liberty and justice for all.” After refusing to recite the pledge for several days, the boy was sent to the principal’s office when he told his teacher, “With all due respect, ma’am, you can go jump off a bridge,” a sentiment shared by many 10-year-olds who are not political activists.
Read THE REST – it’s interesting.
And yet if this 10 year old showed stanch conservative values you would say he was being brainwashed by his parents correct?
We admire our children’s behavior when we see them reflect our own ideologies but consider it brainwashing when we see ideologies we disagree with reflected in other people’s kids.
Pure hypocrisy from both sides of the political machine.
So, Mike … so cynical, yet you’re probably correct.
The kid made a rational argument based on the finite definition of words in the English Language and had a problem with taking a pledge, making a promise, that has been, from time to time, sadly hollow and definitively false.
“Liberty and Justice for All.”
So, yeah, if the kid wouldn’t say the pledge because he felt that Liberty and Justice for all should NOT include non-white / non-Christian / non – anything other than he was – you’re right, I would have a problem and wonder what was wrong with his parents. I’ve read the bible several times and I still can’t find the parts where Jesus says to be prejudiced against those that are different than I am.
And, at least in my view, I don’t view this as a political argument. This is a smart kid with incredible deductive reasoning skills. I love that, no matter what political party their parents are. I have a problem with the religious influence that is a corrupting caustic on our Constitutional freedoms.
“Liberty and Justice for All.” – This means something.
“God hates fags.” – This means brainwashing.
IMHO anyway.
BTW, Mike – your website looks very cool. I added it to my reader so I can watch it grow. GREAT IDEA – I wish it were mine.
Thanks. I’ve also added you to my reader. Anyone who has the guts to refer to himself as Utah’s most complete ass certainly deserves some respect.