Nations around the world that once knew nothing but fear now know the blessings of freedom?
Our principles of honoring our authoring and voting with the United Nations to ban and prosecute the use of torture? That principle?
The principle of right to privacy? You mean the one where the government taps and records anybody’s conversations that they want to without cause or a warrant? That principle?
The right to walk the streets without being kidnapped and thrown into a hell hole somewhere without ever being charged with a crime, unable to face your accusers, no right to a defense? That principle?
Iraq is certainly glad that our past president decided to invade a sovereign country that had nothing to do with the 9/11 attacks. They are glas as hell to have their country lay in ruins while hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqis have been killed and left homeless and utterly helpless while the United States has a private army doing the killing and watching over OUR oil! Youd can bet to a person that the Iraqi people are just overjoyed.
Afghanistan has a taste of our “freedom” now that they have a government that is damned near as corrupt as ours. They can’t hardly wait to get into line to thank us personally.
Iran has become a force thanks to good ol’ GWB and his insane foreign policies. Yeah things are just peachy!
Viet Nam is revelling in our freedom these days also. The government cannot learn a goddamned thing from the past can they?
Obama’s flowery speech was really great. Now if he would do JUST ONE of the things that were promised in his “Change we can believe in” campaign, I might be persuaded to vote for him again.
Well … I can certainly agree with all that. Too many baby steps, not enough action so far.
Tim Carter
on November 12, 2009 at 10:29 am
Tom Belt: Iraq is certainly glad that our past president decided to invade a sovereign country that had nothing to do with the 9/11 attacks. They are glas as hell to have their country lay in ruins while hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqis have been killed and left homeless and utterly helpless while the United States has a private army doing the killing and watching over OUR oil! Youd can bet to a person that the Iraqi people are just overjoyed.
Tom. It should make you feel better that our troops fought and died to help bring universal health care to the Iraqis that we pay for:
“Obama’s flowery speech was really great. Now if he would do JUST ONE of the things that were promised in his “Change we can believe in” campaign”
I’m with you. Bring something. I was willing to give him some time, but the time to act is now.
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Our founding principles still shine?
Nations around the world that once knew nothing but fear now know the blessings of freedom?
Our principles of honoring our authoring and voting with the United Nations to ban and prosecute the use of torture? That principle?
The principle of right to privacy? You mean the one where the government taps and records anybody’s conversations that they want to without cause or a warrant? That principle?
The right to walk the streets without being kidnapped and thrown into a hell hole somewhere without ever being charged with a crime, unable to face your accusers, no right to a defense? That principle?
Iraq is certainly glad that our past president decided to invade a sovereign country that had nothing to do with the 9/11 attacks. They are glas as hell to have their country lay in ruins while hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqis have been killed and left homeless and utterly helpless while the United States has a private army doing the killing and watching over OUR oil! Youd can bet to a person that the Iraqi people are just overjoyed.
Afghanistan has a taste of our “freedom” now that they have a government that is damned near as corrupt as ours. They can’t hardly wait to get into line to thank us personally.
Iran has become a force thanks to good ol’ GWB and his insane foreign policies. Yeah things are just peachy!
Viet Nam is revelling in our freedom these days also. The government cannot learn a goddamned thing from the past can they?
Obama’s flowery speech was really great. Now if he would do JUST ONE of the things that were promised in his “Change we can believe in” campaign, I might be persuaded to vote for him again.
Well … I can certainly agree with all that. Too many baby steps, not enough action so far.
Tom Belt: Iraq is certainly glad that our past president decided to invade a sovereign country that had nothing to do with the 9/11 attacks. They are glas as hell to have their country lay in ruins while hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqis have been killed and left homeless and utterly helpless while the United States has a private army doing the killing and watching over OUR oil! Youd can bet to a person that the Iraqi people are just overjoyed.
Tom. It should make you feel better that our troops fought and died to help bring universal health care to the Iraqis that we pay for:
“Obama’s flowery speech was really great. Now if he would do JUST ONE of the things that were promised in his “Change we can believe in” campaign”
I’m with you. Bring something. I was willing to give him some time, but the time to act is now.