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So … the last couple of weeks has provided a target rich environment. Here are a couple of topics I’m kicking around for tomorrow’s show:
First – Utah Attorney Mark General Shurtleff – a man who would probably have been impeached in nearly any other state – has once again done something so tacky, wacky and crooked that … no one in Utah paid attention some more.
To quote Glen Warchol –
“Have the springs finally popped out of Attorney General Mark Shurtleff’s head? Ignoring the allegations of his dodgy relationships with political donors, our AG appoints as his chief deputy for civil cases a political crony who made his name lobbying for the payday loan industry – John Swallow.”
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Second – H1N1 paranoia is sweeping the nations – and the GOP is blocking confirmation on the Surgeon General Nominee… yeah, they really are. Nothing says “I Love America” better than screwing up the effort to stop an epidemic just to say you can. MORE HERE
Oh, and as America continues to fight its way out of recession and high unemployment, Republicans – who spend a lot of time whining and crying about how there were not enough jobs in the stimulus bill they chopped all the jobs out of – were stalling passage of an unemployment benefits extension because … well, poor people don’t donate to Republican political campaigns, I guess. MORE HERE and HERE
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Third – President Obama made the trip out to Dover AFB to welcome home the bodies of 18 service members killed in Afghanistan. This is the first time that President Obama has done this. President Bush, on the other hand, never did it. Not once. HERE and HERE
Meanwhile, Republican’ts are screeching that President Obama isn’t making a knee jerk, thoughtless deployment of troops to Afghanistan … forgetting that they were the chuckleheads that yanked most of the troops out of Afghanistan to send them to that other country that DIDN’T have anything to do with 9/11. So, GOP – how are your last two wars working out these days? And you think that the President should take your advice … why?
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So, those are three topics I’m kicking around for tomorrow’s show. Questions? Suggestions? Hit the comments section!
For the first Saturday in a long time,I’m sick, not working and have nowhere to go. I can finally tune in!
Unless you induce a major coughing spasm!!
Congressman Bishop beyond stupid youtube video where he tried to use federalism to oppose health care reform. Last I checked health care is an interstate commerce issue. FAIL!
I think that it is interesting the arguments that both the left (you) and the right make with regard to freedom-effecting issues such as: healthcare, and the war. Before I proceed to address the nonsensical argument (and fallacious at that) stated under point 3, I will respond to Marshall.
Regardless of whether or not healthcare falls in the bounds of federalism or not, there is a much more sophisticated argument that requires a response. First, individual rights and economic freedom are necessary conditions to a productive and prosperous society. Any time the Government gets control over parts of or total industries, a level of personal and economic freedom is lost; so, it follow logically, that the Government’s involvement will also cause a loss in economic freedom and individual rights. The point is not that federalism is the case, the point is that your are advocating (via support for the totalitarian healthcare proposal) a type of macro-dictatorship.
I think that your position with regards to the situation in Afghanistan is incorrect -at best. And just so you don’t decide to dismiss my claims via your usual ad-hominem reactionary arguments, let me specify that I am not a GOP follower, no am I a right wing “neo-con”, I classify myself as a Libertarian (socially and politically). The unfortunate error generated by the Bush administration to engage in a type of nation building in Iraq was truly unnecessary; however, Afghanistan is a completely different situation. The political and international security implications of the failure of Afghanistan are serious such that any lack or excessively delayed intervention could lead to a systematic failure of the state. This is problematic for the Pakistan’s general stability as well. So, the GOP’s complaints are not invalid and are not able to be dismissed as you seem to so easily do; nor are the GOP members right in demanding a irrational decision by employing a knee-jerk response. Nevertheless, as our military leaders are asserting, the lives of currently stationed soldiers in Afghanistan are being threatened by the lack of support required to insure stability so that our forces do not UNNECESSARILY fall in the line of death or danger. Your argument, thus, is confronted with what is called a reductio ad absurdum (latin for: reduction to the absurd) as per it collapses on itself (i.e. President Obama wants to save lives by not sending units in prematurely, but units are dying prematurely due to the lack of support ). Thank you.
P.s. About time someone on your blog, or program actually say something intelligent.
couldn’t read it all; my eyes crossed.
But thank you John for responding and giving another point of view.
A statement is verbose if and only if it uses more words than needed. My statement used the perfect type and amount of words.
Thanks for the correction. But I do thank you for posting. It is really important to hear/see other points of view
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