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The White House is asking for our help. There is a lot of disinformation about health insurance reform out there, spanning from control of personal finances to end of life care. These rumors often travel just below the surface via chain emails or through casual conversation. Since the White House can’t keep track of all of them, they are asking for our help. If you get an email or see something on the web about health insurance reform that seems a gross distortion or inaccurate, please take a moment and send it to
In the above video, Linda Douglass, the Communications Director for the White House’s Health Reform Office, addresses one example that makes it look like the President intends to “eliminate” private coverage, when the reality couldn’t be further from the truth.
I think what people are fraking out about is the fact that private insurance won’t be able to compete with the govt, therefore most people will go the cheaper route, including employers, especially if they have to pay higher taxes or fees anyway.
Sorry, comment should have been “I think what people are talking about …” While I’m thinking about it, doesn’t it bother you that our government is asking for the names of dissenters?
Yeah – we really ought to do everything we can to keep the corporate monopoly in place with those health insurance companies.
Dissenters? Whaaa? You got a link to whatever that means?