Some otherwise smart people (not in this interview, but IRL) have jumped on this bandwagon of insanity. All I have to say is – Aside from the fact that you’re all insane and that he was born in America, at least he WON his election and didn’t have the Supreme Court gift it to him.
Ok – I have more to say.
Dear Republicans,
I didn’t like your last President. But I like him a hell of a lot more than I did now that you’ve unleashed your talking heads without their medications. When we complained about the Iraq war – you called us unpatriotic. When we complained about violations of civil liberties – you called us crazy. When we raised our voices against torture – you called us terrorist sympathizers. When we complained about warrentless wiretapping – you showed us your fear and told us that safety meant less rights.
When your last guy got a one time deal from the high court that was so egregious and dirty that the high court itself put a “one time only” clause in the ruling – we gritted our teeth and bitched and took it.
Then your Congress, Senate and White House fucked most everything up – and you lost control due to your own incompetence, greed, avarice and, lets face it, wrong headed ideological rectal-cranial inversion.
So … now this … silliness.
I realize that ya’ll think that Jack Bauer is a real guy. I realize that you have a problem with thinks like “evidence” and “facts” and “proof” because they never seem to match what you want reality to be. I realize that the phrase “Reality has a liberal bent” makes you want to scream and finally give up the control that keeps you from hunting immigrants – but this … this birth certificate thing …
This makes you look petty, stupid and flatly fucking batshit crazy.
You’re making politics a lot less fun,
J.M. Bell
I do not think it serves the progressive cause to make fun of Republicans. As I’m sure your mother taught you, ‘capture bees with honey…’ or something like that.
Calling Republican’s names is as politically incorrect as calling a mentally handicapped person a retard (and for the same reason). Republicans are NOT
retardedmentally handicapped, they are the innocent followers of the neighborhood bully so to say. They are simply pathetic wimps afraid to think for themselves for fear of getting the wrath of the bully (oops there I called them names)Now I realize you didn’t specifically call them retards for honorable reasons too numerous to list here (you ARE an honorable man), but you should know that to them, it comes off that way….further proof they are not retards…assuming my logic is sound, which it may not be.
Besides, most mentally handicapped folks are not afraid of bullies and DO know the difference between actors and reality.
What republicans lack is self-respect, humility and shame. Can you imagine actually BEING individually responsible? Can you imagine a republican actually being ACCOUNTABLE for the dead innocent children of Iraq, or the thousands of American lives ruined for being tricked into believing they were serving their country for patriotic reasons, tricked by people who have never served their country, tricked by people who actually hate them and deliberately preyed on their ignorance and misplaced patriotism?
I know retards, republicans are no retards.
WTF with the moderation? Its no wonder this place is more deserted than a high school library in August.