Thanks to TPM – The movie speaks for itself.
As a former temporary Minnesotan – I am very, very proud of the 50.00000001% of Minnesota voters who made this day possible.
Thanks to TPM – The movie speaks for itself.
As a former temporary Minnesotan – I am very, very proud of the 50.00000001% of Minnesota voters who made this day possible.
Just a side note, but Independence Party candidate and former Senator Dean Barkley’s 15.15% of the vote made it so that Franken was actually elected with 41.994% of the vote to Coleman’s 41.983%, not the 50.00001-49.99999% that it would seem.
Actually, it was 41.994% Coleman got 41.983$ and Dean Barkley got 15..151%.
You guys often feel the need to beat a punchline to death? Note all the zeros and put on your giggle hat.
You’re right, it’s a good punchline… It’s just grossly inaccurate 🙂
Next time you take a break from making a puppy cry – go stomp on someone else’s punchlines.
My giggle hat was only activated when you said you proud to have been a former temporary Minnesotan – Christ, its like saying you are proud to be from Alabama!
Lakes, pish, what a joke.