I wrote earlier about a poll that Dave Clark had on his “blog” about redistricting. He obviously expected to be visited by sycophants and instead heard from real Utahns, so, like any Utah Republican’t – he removed the poll because his point of view was getting waffle stomped.
Way to keep the “run and hide” traditions of the Utah Republican’t Party alive and kicking, Dave.
Here’s my earlier post –
Speaker Clark from the Utah Legislature is hosting a little poll on his website.
Of the organizations listed below, which to you feel is best suited to conduct redistricting after the 2010 census?
The Governor
The Legislature
A Commission
The State Supreme CourtTake a moment – Left, right or in denial – but take a moment and vote in Speaker Clark’s poll – VOTE HONESTLY – don’t game it, don’t cheat it. Let him see that the majority of Utah Citizens want the opposite of what he wants – an independent commission.
See? See how the mean ol’ liberal was disrespectful? Exactly, me either. Last count before Rep. Dave Chicken pulled his poll was 78 for a commission vs. 11 for anything else. Bawk, bawk, bawk.
I imagine he pulled it because the left side of the Bloghive got wind of it and more-or-less tried to stuff the ballot box in an effort to embarrass him.
Or – PEOPLE heard about it and went and voted.
Stuff the ballot box? Just like the internet left did when we voted down vouchers? A bad idea is a bad idea REGARDLESS of political affiliation. It’s fanatic political ideology that makes him think that everyone in the world was out of line the last time we redistricted.
We make these noises because we care about the process and we’re aware of the history on this topic. Clark is also aware and, imho, is looking forward to repeating the same process of ten years ago.
I think Jesse is right on this one.
C’mon Jeff. I’m not dumb. It was sitting at a whole 9 votes when I looked at it this morning, then you, Bob, Misty, and Jason all talk about it on Twitter, Facebook and blogs. Suddenly, your preferred solution is at a landslide with over ten times as many votes. It doesn’t take a genius to put together what happened. I’d bet Rep. Clark took it down to not further indulge you.
I support an independent redistricting committee, but I think trolling the websites of legislators isn’t doing the idea any favors. If nothing, it hurts us. Let’s try and find more constructive ways to push our vision forward.
While you do have somewhat of a valid point, the fact of the matter is that internet polls are gamed LL THE TIME and it’s not our fault that NOONE from the other side caught on.
But, I wonder how many people are actually on Speaker Clark’s side on this…..
Hey – he has a public website – he is a public official – he published a poll – it got talked about – people visited and voted. So – 1. – it’s not my fault that vote went that way but I think that it was honest – and 2. – it’s not my fault that the right side of the bloghive didn’t rush to support gerrymandering – even though they I don’t think they’d do that even if they had cared enough to pay attention.
Gaming the poll suggests cheating and I take a certain exception to that.
The poll wasn’t gamed. We did nothing to prevent the other point of view from being expressed. Lots of non-lefties follow me on Twitter, and could have voted. The issue seems to be that Clark didn’t like the results, and isn’t willing to talk about them. He can’t stand the heat, and might consider staying out of the kitchen.