I’ll be honest, I have no idea – for a couple of reasons.
1. I haven’t asked. I like and respect our elected Democrats. Why would I want to put them, let alone anyone else, in a position to choose when the consequences of that choice is negatively impact them dependent on the outcome? I have done a lot of favors for a great many elected democrats – especially emergencies. I help Democrats – I don’t, as a rule, make their life any harder than it has to be.
2. I haven’t asked anyone else, either. The wonderful people who are writing to support my campaign have done so on their own drive and energy. I think that’s pretty cool.
3. I’m running for several reasons – and those reasons need to stand on their own merits. It’s a long shot gamble, but, I don’t want to bog down my half of this campaign proving who has the biggest baseball card collection. That seems both vapid and time wasting. I still have a job that takes up a lot of my day. When I make calls, I talk to delegates. Elected Democrats have enough to do right now without me calling and begging for their public attention.
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J.M. Are there any elected officials supporting your campaign?
Mike –
I’ll be honest, I have no idea – for a couple of reasons.
1. I haven’t asked. I like and respect our elected Democrats. Why would I want to put them, let alone anyone else, in a position to choose when the consequences of that choice is negatively impact them dependent on the outcome? I have done a lot of favors for a great many elected democrats – especially emergencies. I help Democrats – I don’t, as a rule, make their life any harder than it has to be.
2. I haven’t asked anyone else, either. The wonderful people who are writing to support my campaign have done so on their own drive and energy. I think that’s pretty cool.
3. I’m running for several reasons – and those reasons need to stand on their own merits. It’s a long shot gamble, but, I don’t want to bog down my half of this campaign proving who has the biggest baseball card collection. That seems both vapid and time wasting. I still have a job that takes up a lot of my day. When I make calls, I talk to delegates. Elected Democrats have enough to do right now without me calling and begging for their public attention.