My kid.
Best Male Earth Science Student of the Year at Joel P. Jensen Middle School. He was so good they gave him a certificate, a medal AND a trophy! His sister had to step in and help hold everything.
* And yes, that is a Batman cover on the light switch in my office. My wife gave it to my for Father’s Day last year.
Bumper sticker coming soon on the JMBell-Mobile:
“My Kid is the Top Science Geek”
Heh. Seriously, though, tell the little emo-fella congrats. That’s probably one of the coolest awards to get from a school.
That is very cool! Congratulations!
WOW! The only way I could be more proud is if I were his father. And as far as you know, I’m not.
Way to go dude! [of all the sciences, Earth Science is my favorite…]