Let them go. Cut off life support. Pull out the feeding tube. Cut our loses and chalk it up to lessons learned.
This next bit is such a concentrated example of Republicanism, you may want to scoot any pregnant women and children out of the room and equip yourself with a barf bucket. Brace yourself.
N.Y. Times – A.I.G. Sues U.S. for Return of $306 Million in Tax Payments
Wow. Let me repeat that –
A.I.G. Sues U.S. for Return of $306 Million in Tax Payments
Aren’t you glad you had that bucket handy? Let us continue …
While the American International Group comes under fire from Congress over executive bonuses, it is quietly fighting the federal government for the return of $306 million in tax payments, some related to deals that were conducted through offshore tax havens.
A.I.G. sued the government last month in a bid to force it to return the payments, which stemmed in large part from its use of aggressive tax deals, some involving entities controlled by the company’s financial products unit in the Cayman Islands, Ireland, the Dutch Antilles and other offshore havens.
A.I.G. is effectively suing its majority owner, the government, which has an 80 percent stake and has poured nearly $200 billion into the insurer in a bid to avert its collapse and avoid troubling the global financial markets. The company is in effect asking for even more money, in the form of tax refunds. The suit also suggests that A.I.G. is spending taxpayer money to pursue its case, something it is legally entitled to do. Its initial claim was denied by the Internal Revenue Service last year.
Madre de dios. It’s hard to find the words for what I’m feeling right now, so … let’s try – “Hulk Smash!” Yup, that pretty much covers it.
God Almighty!!!! I don’t know if they’re stupid, or just have the biggest balls in the Universe.
The conspiracy theorist in me is screaming. I just can’t believe that stupidity is the operative word here. They wouldn’t dare try a move like this unless they had some kind of deal/thing going with the Feds, (or somebodies in the Fed.)
This is just ridiculous.