Read this and take swift action.  Be at the Capital Building at 5PM on Wednesday to demonstrate that Utah is not for sale.


It’s appalling.Despite the Governor’s and Congressman Matheson’s strongly worded opposition, and in defiance of the wishes of Utahns, lawmakers plan to push legislation next week to make Utah the dumping ground for foreign nuclear waste in exchange for EnergySolutions’ cash.

Our message is simple: Utah is NOT for sale. And next week, we are bringing this message straight to the Capitol steps. Will you help us?

Please join us for a “Utah is NOT for sale” rally at the Capitol next Wednesday, February 25th, at 5:15pm. We need to stand together to deliver the message that we will NOT be bought off by EnergySolutions’ dirty money. We’ll be handing out “NOT For Sale” signs and gathering on the Rotunda Steps inside the Capitol Building starting at 5:00pm.

Personally deliver a “Utah is NOT for sale” message to your elected representatives. We are looking for at least one person from every district in Utah to personally deliver this important message to their legislators. We will have a table set up in the Cafeteria (first floor of Senate or East Building) from 7:30am to 4:00pm. Check in to get a fact sheet and quick tips on how to get a hold of your legislators.

Gov. Huntsman defiantly put his foot down yesterday telling the Legislature he would veto any bill to dump foreign nuclear waste in Utah.

But EnergySolutions doesn’t take no for an answer and so its army of lobbyists is working to pick up enough votes to override the Governor’s veto. The company already has a head start, having donated more to legislators and political parties in recent years than any other corporation or political action committee in the state (and covering over 80% of the Legislature).

Join us next week to remind our legislators that we elect them to serve US, not EnergySolutions’ bottom line. Help us deliver a clear and simple message: Utah is NOT for sale.

(H/T to Marshall @ W.W.)