From USA Today:
WASHINGTON — Even as Americans struggle with two wars and an economy in tatters, a USA TODAY/Gallup Poll finds majorities in favor of investigating some of the thorniest unfinished business from the Bush administration: Whether its tactics in the “war on terror” broke the law.
Close to two-thirds of those surveyed said there should be investigations into allegations that the Bush team used torture to interrogate terrorism suspects and its program of wiretapping U.S. citizens without getting warrants. Almost four in 10 favor criminal investigations and about a quarter want investigations without criminal charges. One-third said they want nothing to be done.
Even more people want action on alleged attempts by the Bush team to use the Justice Department for political purposes. Four in 10 favored a criminal probe, three in 10 an independent panel, and 25% neither.
The ACLU and other groups are pressing for inquiries into whether the Bush administration violated U.S. and international bans on torture and the constitutional right to privacy. House Judiciary Chairman John Conyers and his Senate counterpart, Patrick Leahy, have proposed commissions to investigate.
Do Federal Democrats have the fortitude to stick up for the Constitution? Do they have the fortitude to do what the GOP would do if a Democratic President had done all of these anti-American things? Or will they once again roll over and wet themselves in a syncophantic frenzy of cowardice and electorial preservation?
Do you really have to ask?
The Democrats finally gave us a kick ass candidate for the white house. But they continue to do nothing about that f’ing train wreck of a speaker and her neutered house pet in the Senate. Can you PLEASE do something about that? Because they’re ruining everything.