Well, apparently the upper echelon of the Democratic Party forgot to READ MY BLOG yesterday. So, today we have, not one, but two folks stepping away from their nominations because they’re too boneheaded to pay their taxes.
Daschle withdraws as health secretary nominee – MSNBC
Nancy Killefer withdraws her candidacy – MSNBC
I hereby nominate (I can do that, can’t I?) Doctor- Governor-Superhero Howard Dean for HHS Secretary.
Lets make this one happen, shall we?
Hey Tyler? Is our children learning? Are OB/GYN’s practicing their love on women all over the country?
So are we sure that Howard Dean has paid his taxes?
There’s a petition up this morning for it:
Governor Howard B. Dean, MD, is clearly the best choice for Secretary of HHS
and it would be a real shame if, with his talents, background, experience in the
and deep concern for health care for all, he were to be passed over on account
of some
inconsequential issue that may have existed in the past between another member
of the Obama team and him.
Furthermore, many people think it would be very “un-Obama-like” if our new
leader of the free world was not himself giving deep thought to who would do the
best job in that HHS position. The man who put together the 50-state strategy
which really helped us get “our man” into the White House thinks like our new
president does in many ways and has the qualities to make a very big difference
in this world because he, like President Obama cares deeply for equal services
for the under-served – particularly in health care . Please do not allow some
undercurrent of bad feeling between one person in your West Wing and Governor
Dean to cause you to miss an extraordinary opportunity to put the best person
for that spot in where he belongs.
Thus far, listening to others somewhere, you chose a few of probably fine
people in their own right but NOT right for your adminstration. We expect you
to work like you said you would: directly in order to maintain the highest
requirements in a candidate for each important position.
Governor Dean is the right man for the HHS. Do not pass him over for something
in which you were not even involved. We want YOU to make the decision !