– For the love of God, GO PAY YOUR TAXES.
For some reason, not paying your taxes seems to be much, much worse than public bathroom sex or being a child predator, so, please, Democrats, pay your taxes. The media is watching.
– For the love of God, GO PAY YOUR TAXES.
For some reason, not paying your taxes seems to be much, much worse than public bathroom sex or being a child predator, so, please, Democrats, pay your taxes. The media is watching.
Seriously guys. It’s time to step up and be patriotic.
Wide-Stance Larry won’t win re-election and child-predator dude is gone. Meanwhile the biggest scandal right now is the economy, money, finances, so if you want to run the government in this day and age you’d better have your own financial house in order.
Besides, we’re getting past the days of “Can you imagine if the other side did it?” Child-predator dude factored in the GOP losses in 2006; Wide-Stance Larry helped keep the GOP an embarrassment in 2008. The other side is saying, if Bush’s appointees hadn’t paid their taxes, there’d be marches in the streets. It makes the two parties sound like two bratty kids. “Brother had adultery and got away with it! If I did that, I’d be grounded for a week!” “Well, sister took billions in a pyramid scheme! If I did that, you’d disown me!” “Brother tortured foreign nationals and you didn’t care!” “Sister’s regulations made us bankrupt and not a peep!”
Both of you. To your room. If only we hadn’t given our libertarian, green, and reform party children up for adoption.