So, poverty is way up this year – the numbers of homeless children are on the rise – The disabilities waiting list grows ever longer and more crowded, so, all hail the Utah Legislature’s efforts to …
Hide booze, in restaurants, from children.
Hurray, you gigantic chuckleheads, for once again getting your ACTUAL IMPORTANT ISSUES mixed up with your insane wing-nuttery.
Just wait. I predict some one will soon come up with a bill to hide the liquor stores deep inside the mazes of industrial parks.
We all know kids don’t hang out where people are working and there is no entertainment. And we all know that if they can’t see a liquor store, why then they will never be tempted to drink alcohol.
It is unfortunate that the younger, more globally minded citizens of Utah can’t afford to run for office.
It’s not a matter of “afford” and it really hasn’t been. If the candidates were taught how to do a lot with a little, then money becomes less of an issue.
It’s part of the problem with the Party right now. They’re trying to accomplish pre-McCain/ Feingold tasks with post M/F money. It wont work, but the mindset refuses to change.
Oh, and, candidates have to get on the phone and fund raise three hours a day, 5 days a week. They don’t do that nearly enough.
I guess you have a point about “affording” to campaign. It used to be about having enough to spend to reach the masses. Now, with the communication and orginizational technology of the 2
oops. Trying again.
I guess you have a point about “affording” to campaign. It used to be about having enough to spend to reach the masses. Now, with the communication and orginizing capabilities using technology of the 21st century, it’s a matter of a little more time and effort spent to get the message out.
Wow… just plain wow.
It’s people going to the voting booth and voting Republican so they don’t go to hell.