“Hey!” I said to the TV, “It’s a Stargate Atlantis Marathon! Yay!”

I work from home. Usually I have one of the cable news stations on, serenading me all day long with info and babble. I love it.

However, it’s gets a little … redundant.

I like to mix it up from time to time, thus the excitment over a Stargate Marathon.

Here’s the thing, it’s the same episodes they did in the last THREE marathons. The series comes to a close in a week, and they give me Season One, again and again and again.

Look, Sci-Fi, I’ll buy the damn box-sets. I will. I just want something new from time to time. What do you say? If you can’t help me out here … how about a shot at writing / directing one of those Sci-Fi Original Movies you play on the weekends?