So, in all the silly stories about RNC Chair candidate Chip* Saltsman mailing out the CD** with the song “Barack, the magic Negro” on it, KSL’s story is the most telling to me about the mind frame of the Utah Republican’ts, especially because perpetual noise machine SL-County Chair James Evans is absent from the conversation. I guess his slavish devotion the 500% interest loan making has him too busy to comment on the state of racism in the GOP.

They had to dig up Bruce Huff, former head of the Utah Republican Party, to find anyone who thinks that Saltsman is an ass. And not for sending out the song because the song’s offensive, oh, no, because it wasn’t good strategy.

Former Utah Republican Party Chair Bruce huff doesn’t think it’s funny. “It was a stupid idea. He, as a political strategist if nothing else, should have known better,” Huff said.

I guess that’s the new GOP Billboard for 2009.

Racism – Not Good Strategy Anymore!


* Chip? Really? Do you think he knows how funny that is?
** See? 2006 and 2008 didn’t teach Republicans anything. Dean and Obama were sucessful because of new media. The dude running to be in charge of the GOP is mailing CD’s. AOL doesn’t even do that anymore.