Dear Democrats, politely call Matheson’s office and let him know what you feel about his cowardly, un-American vote on the FISA / Retroactive Immunity Bill.
Toll-Free Number 1 (877) 677-9743
1323 Longworth HOB
Washington, DC 20515
Phone – (202) 225-3011
Fax – (202) 225-5638
240 East Morris Avenue #235
South Salt Lake, UT 84115
Phone – (801) 486-1236
Fax – (801) 486-1417
321 North Mall Dr., #E101B
St. George, UT 84790
Phone – (435) 627-0880
Fax – (435) 627-1473
Carbon County Courthouse
120 East Main Street
Price, UT 84501
Phone – (435) 636-3722
Fax – (435) 613-1834
They won’t return my calls. My father served in the legislature and sought to support Jim’s papa. However, Jim seems to be motivated not by principle, but by a willingness to enbable the worst executive graspings for power. Wayne Owens would be seriously dismayed and embarrassed. Wayne, if alive would have stood firm and resisted this terrible assault on our Constitutional values.
BTW, I knew Wayne Owens. And Jim Matheson is NO WAYNE OWENS. Wuss. Grow some stones, or declare Republican you traitor.
Let’s see – it is better to have a full fledged R in Congress than Jim?
Think again Wuss.
What, really, is the difference on Constitutional issues? There isn’t one.
Look, I grant that Jim is pretty good on CERTAIN environmental issues and he’s GREAT on nuclear waste, nonproliferation, etc. etc.
But on Habeas Corpus, US Torture policy, warrantless wiretapping, and other Constitutional issues, he’s horrible.
Now, setting that aside, why do you think it’s wrong to:
1. Be critical of someone in in the Democratic Party because I’m a Democrat? That smacks of false exceptionalism, and that’s what the GOP does.
When a Democrat wanders away into unAmerican, unConstitutional behavior, it is the responsibility of members of his own party to remind him who he is and what he stands for. Not to Wuss out and take it because someone else might be worse.
2. Contact an elected representative and lodge a complaint about their voting behavior? WTF?
So, would it be better to have a Republican in office rather than Jim? Of course not. BUT, when a Republican took a shit on the Constitution, it’s a Republican. They do that every day. When Jim does it, it hurts more.
If people like you, you spineless tag-along, would JOIN IN THE PROCESS and drop a call or a letter or an email to your elected representatives when they get all crazy and confused, instead of installing permanent “forgiveness blinders” just because he has a “D” after his name, then Jim would become a phenomenal statesman, just like his dad.
As an aside, if Jim faced a real challenge this year, instead of that Dew chucklehead, the tone of my Jim posts would be quite different. I’d still be critical, because that’s my responsibility as an American citizen, but I doubt they’d be as angry.