From Handsome Adam over at DViCE:
In Japan, Sharp, the city of Sakai, and Kansai Electric Power are planning to build two absolutely enormous solar power plants, dubbed the “Sakai City Waterfront Mega Solar Power Generation Plan.” The two plants will generate 10,000 kW and 28,000 kW, respectively. That’s a lot of juice.
The complex will be one of the largest of its kind in the world, and it’ll go a long way towards powering all of Sharp’s and other company’s factories in Sakai. Sakai is looking to become one of Japan’s leading “green” cities, and judging by the huge investment they’re making in solar power, they’re certainly on the right track. Keep it up, Sakai!
Republicans HATE stuff like this. If you use solar, wind, etc. the terrorists win, you know?
I always get laughter when you try and imagine in your leftist way of thinking what Republicans think. I, as part of my Republican ideals, really like the idea of Solar Power and wish we were doing more to bring it into our day-to-day life (and wish it was cheaper to acquire for my home). Perhaps you really do have Republican ideals in you afterall. I’m impressed Jeff.
Really? Republicans love alternative energy? Wow … maybe you should tell one of the chuckleheads you Republicans keep electing about your love of alternative energy.
Solar doesn’t have to be expensive, but it continues to be penalized by the Government because it’s not oil.
Wind doesn’t have to be expensive, but it continues to be penalized by the Government because it’s not oil.
Did Big Solar get a 16 Billion a year tax break to “discover” alternative energy sources? Um … no.
How about the tax break for giant SUV’s that the 109th passed?
How about Republican in Utah trying to kill the NGV incentive this year?
so, you “like” the “idea” of solar? You “wish” it was affordable? How about you take your Republican ideals away from the oil industry and push it toward solar, wind, hydro, etc.?
That’s your guys, Chad. My guys, however, are to sackless to do it, either, so, well … it’s not like I voted for any of the 5 Republicans Utah has in Congress, you know? You probably did.
And I do have some Right-ist ideals. I think the death penalty is a pretty good idea from time to time (not like Texas, though), and I own guns, but, I don’t think those are really right wing issues. I think that has more to do with Coastal Dems vs. Western / Midwestern Dems.
Darnit! This should be US doing this first! The sad fact is that America doesn’t lead anymore, we don’t even follow. If this solar plant is a big success, we won’t emulate it, because of our stupid pride. We’ll keep burning gas and coal, rather then admit we were wrong.
Okay, I’ve fallen behind on my JMBell reading; so, I’m late to this blog post.
But, JM, a quiz for you.
1. Name the only city in the US (I think; Utah, at least) to have a municipal solar farm. (50 points).
2. Identify the party affiliation of the legislator creating the opportunity.
Darn. Forgot.
50 points for the second question also.
Pass your paper to the blogger on your left for grading. Oh, wait. There is no one to your left.
Only? Hmmm … That’s a wrong question out of the gate. There’s a few. How odd that you’re bragging about something that barley exists. You GOP types are strange.
The biggest project to date is San Francisco’s Solar Energy Incentive Program that just got passed. Pretty sure that isn’t coming from your party. Putting solar arrays on the roofs of buildings in metropolitan areas? Silly, gay commies, right?
Maybe you’re talking about Utah’s Renewable Energy Systems Tax Credits? That’s the 2007 investment tax credit for residential systems where 25 percent of the equipment and installation cost up to a maximum of $2,000, even though that’s just a fraction of the cost of a solar system for a residence?
Maybe you’re thinking about Rocky Mountain Power charging extra for wind power, so that everyone will think it’s hard to do?
WIND POWER! Yeah, I’ve heard the “it’ll clutter up the landscape” argument from your folks before, but, I have to wonder, what’s uglier, a wind farm or a strip mine?
Are you talking about St. George allowing people to sell back to the grid?
If I’m missing a Utah Solar Farm, I’ll take the loss in points to ask where and who.
If it’s somewhere else, I have to ask, what good does that do in Utah?
I know you love coal and somehow think that it’ll burn clean and you love nuclear, even though that’ll have the double whammy of our own Utah waste and it will be the last thing needed before the rest of world starts dumping here, too.
Oh, and, with all the Federal Land opened for unfettered drilling that’s not being used, how about this little nugget from the NYT:
I suppose you’ll try to find some way to blame Democrats for this, too? Ha ha!
This is fun.
PS: There are plenty of folks on my left. I own guns, I hunt (unlike Romney), and I like the death penalty (for repeat child molesters and rapists, among others). C’mon, I’m a wholly bipartisan jackass.
Sorry, if you took offense at the comment about no one to the left; I meant it tongue in cheek, thinking you’d get a kick out of it.
I was referring to Rep. Brad Last’s HB 201, which authorizes St. George (that liberal bastion) to build a solar farm and sell shares to municipal power users, who recoup that cost against future power bills.
We’re very excited about this, because it addresses some issues w/ home solar: cost (using economies of scale), maintenance (home units often are under-maintained or not maintained at all), and amortization (people often don’t live in a home long enough to amortize the costs).
And, hey, regarding the BLM solar moratorium, if you’re asking me to defend anything Bush does on energy, you’ve got the wrong guy.
I do believe in plentiful, cheap energy. And, I believe in getting out of bed with America-haters ASAP. So, ya, right now, that means coal, nuclear, and domestic production. But, I’m all in for also developing alternatives. Give me ideas on what Utah should be doing to help.
Stupid ding dong eco-freaks they wont be happy till everyone is living so primativly it would make a caveman look for advanced we must not allow these luddies to stop us from our progress and tell the antiprogress dumb balls to GO TAKE A HIKE