The “compromise” bill passed the house, with all it’s retroactive immunity goodness intact.
Break the law, write a bumper sticker slogan about it, threaten to yell boo at a Democratic Congressman, and BOP, you get retroactive immunity. Reps. Bishop and Matheson voted to defile the Constitution, but, strangely, in an instance when wiping your ass with the Constitution is concerned, Chris Cannon was nowhere to be seen. What’s up with that? He LIVES for suspension of rights, doesn’t he? Weird. No vote (as opposed to a “nay” vote) for Cannon.
FIXED – Left of the Dial – FISA
Just found out about your show on KSL. Couldn’t believe I was hearing the actual truth coming to me over public airwaves and on KSL, no less!
I don’t know how you swung this, but good for you JM. This gives me hope.
Great show!
Hey there Jeff,
Were you intending to repost the Morgan Bowen podcast for June 22?
Fixed it.
Good stuff here guy!
Thanks Jeff, for posting that.
What I cannot understand is why the House capitulated to the President. They have spent the better part of a year, (or longer, I can’t remember anymore), telling the President that they would not back off and that the House intended to push the issue of disciplinary action against the TeleCommunication companies.
Something went on behind closed doors, deals (or threats) made. What you would possibly fear from a Lame Duck President however, I just don’t know.