I got a letter in my mailbox today …

Congress is set to vote Friday on a bill that gives immunity to telecom companies that broke the law and contains vacuum cleaner style surveillance that sweeps up the phone calls and emails of Americans. Already, we know it’s blatantly unconstitutional. Things are moving so fast and so secretively that the ACLU only got a copy of this bill this morning.Even if you’ve emailed, called or visited your members of Congress about FISA, we need you to contact them again today.

First, call your Constitution Killing Congress-person

This is done Make a call to Senator (R-Utah) Orrin G. Hatch’s Office
Phone: (202) 224-5251
District Phone: (801) 524-4380
Log a call to Senator (R-Utah) Orrin G. Hatch’s Office
This is done Make a call to Senator (R-Utah) Robert ‘Bob’ F. Bennett’s Office
Phone: (202) 224-5444
District Phone: (801) 524-5933
Log a call to Senator (R-Utah) Robert ‘Bob’ F. Bennett’s Office

When you call, say something like this:

I am a constituent calling about H.R. 6304, the Hoyer/Bush FISA Deal. I urge you to vote “NO” because:

1. The Hoyer/Bush FISA deal allows for mass and untargeted surveillance of Americans’ communications.

2. The Hoyer/Bush FISA deal contains blanket immunity, virtually guaranteeing lawsuits against telecom companies will be dismissed. Ongoing lawsuits may be our last best hope of exposing the extent of illegal spying.

3. If leadership will not lead, it is the responsibility of every lawmaker to lead on this issue. You need to do what your constituents and the American people demand. Bowing to pressure from Republicans, the White House, the telecommunications companies and even Democratic leaders is unacceptable.