That may be just too good a ticket … I want Obama to pick Wesley Clark, but … Jim Webb … that’s not a bad idea.

From Real Clear Politics‘ Gerald Pomper:

Virginia Senator James Webb should be the Democratic candidate for vice-president.

Senator Barack Obama is close to winning the Democratic nomination for president. His overwhelming victory in North Carolina and virtual tie in Indiana, with a forthcoming tide of superdelegates, will bring him within a hundred votes of the nomination. Obama has victory in sight, unless the iron laws of arithmetic are repealed by superdelegates meeting in “smoke-filled rooms” in an age of “no smoking” edicts in air-conditioned retreats.

Obama must soon turn to the choice of a running mate. The best choice, in my opinion, would be Senator Webb. To make the case, let’s first dispose of two contrary arguments.

Read the REST HERE, it’s a pretty good article.