A Buck Rogers Movie, Sin City Style

If it weren’t for Twiki, this would be one of my top 5 shows of all time. Yes, as a matter of fact, it has a lot to do with Erin Gray in spandex, why do you need to ask?

Anyway, this, in my opinion, is a great idea: Making a Buck Rogers movie and letting Frank Miller run the show … OMG! This will be cool as hell!

From Io9 (Bryan Schott’s revenge):

Even if Miller does direct Buck Rogers, the film may not turn into a collection of long pauses, weird monologues and sexy ladies. Production company Nu Image/Millennium films plans to include some humor and hints to the old series. IGN reports that, ‘the cheapness of the low-budget effects will be a running joke in the movie, which will retain the campiness of the 1980s TV series interpretation.” (For a look at Miller doing humor, check out his recent All-Star Batman And Robin The Boy Wonder comic, which features Wonder Woman calling a man “spermbank.”)