Dr. Gov. DNC Chair Howard Dean sent me an email with a message:
Dear [bestest buddy] JM Bell,
John McCain wants to stay in Iraq for 100 years. He’s said it, and it’s on tape.
But his campaign hates that he was caught. They’ve viciously attacked anyone who reminded the American people that he said it, including me. They’ve said that those who reference the 100 years comments are “deliberately misleading voters.”
So we’ve taken John McCain’s own words — video of him saying that 100 years would be “fine with me” — and made a TV ad. There’s no confusion, no distortion, no misleading — it’s John McCain, on tape, for voters to judge on their own.
It’s one of the most powerful political ads I’ve ever seen. It’s devastating — and the McCain campaign will spend the rest of the election trying to fight it.
You can watch it here:
Tom Engelhardt explains what’s up with this: “No, there was never an exit strategy from Iraq because the Bush administration never intended to leave — and still doesn’t.”
Lets see, we are still in Japan 63 years later and going. We are still in Germany 64 years later. We are still in Italy 66 years later. Still in the Balkens 15 years. Afghanistan 6 years. Iraq 5 years. WE only have 95 years to go!!!!
Seriously, you know better what McCain was really talking about….
NONE of the above is looking better and better
The Captain
Golly, Mark, you’re right. Just think about all those suicide bombers and IEDs in Germany, Japan and … Oh, yeah. That didn’t happen.
Oh, well, how about how we preemptively invaded Germany and Japan before they declared war on anyone or invaded another country … wait, you mean Japan declared war on us and attacked our country and Germany was already at was with Europe …
The Balkans? Really? Go ahead and compare that to Iraq.
Afghanistan? Um … we pretty much abandoned an under supported and under strength US military force using far too few NATO troops as filler. So, yeah, that’s like Iraq, too, right? Cause that’s where all our troops are (now that we’ve left Afghanistan).
Iraq is a singular and unique cock-up and planning a 100+ year occupation is not only ignorant, it’s dangerously lazy and it should be criminal.
OK President Bell, it’s your call, you the man, what would you do exactly?
Be specific please
PS Take a look at my Air Force Tanker Op-ed today on Spyglass. I’d like your opinion