Prominent Constitutional law experts believe President Bush has engaged in at least, five categories of repeated, defiant “high crimes and misdemeanors”, which separately or together would allow Congress to subject the President to impeachment under Article II, Section 4 of the Constitution. The sworn oath of members of Congress is to uphold the Constitution. Failure of the members of Congress to pursue impeachment of President Bush is an affront to the founding fathers, the Constitution, and the people of the United States.
In addition to a criminal war of aggression in Iraq, in violation of our constitution, statutes and treaties, there are the arrests of thousands of Americans and their imprisonment without charges, the spying on Americans without juridical warrant, systematic torture, and the unprecedented wholesale, defiant signing statements declaring that the President, in his unbridled discretion, is the law.
In 2005, a plurality of the American people polled declared that they would favor impeachment of President Bush if it was shown that he did not tell the truth about the reasons for going to War in Iraq. Congress should use its authority under Article II, Section 4 of the Constitution to officially determine what President Bush knew before going to war in Iraq.
For more information on how you can help build a national, grassroots initiative to investigate and disclose any crimes by the Bush Administration go to . This website contains valuable information and allows for you to send a letter to your members of Congress, asking them to pursue the Rule of Law.
What puzzles me is that President Bush has openly admitted to authorizing (1) domestic warrantless surveillance and (2) torture of detainees. His confessions of high crimes ought to be a great time-saver– no need to investigate, just impeach and convict. Congress could polish off Cheney and Bush in a week if they wanted to, and Nancy Pelosi would be president until Barack Obama is sworn in.