From WYFF in South Carolina:
JONESVILLE, S.C. — The sign in front of a small church in a small town is causing a big controversy in Jonesville, S.C.
Pastor Roger Byrd said that he just wanted to get people thinking. So last Thursday, he put a new message on the sign at the Jonesville Church of God.
It reads: “Obama, Osama, hmm, are they brothers?”
Byrd said that the message wasn’t meant to be racial or political.
“It’s simply to cause people to realize and to see what possibly could happen if we were to get someone in there that does not believe in Jesus Christ,” he said.
When asked if he believes that Barack Obama is Muslim, Byrd said, “I don’t know. See it asks a question: Are they brothers? In other words, is he Muslim ? I don’t know. He says he’s not. I hope he’s not. But I don’t know. And it’s just something to try to stir people’s minds. It was never intended to hurt feelings or to offend anybody.”
Obama has said repeatedly during his campaign that he is a Christian and attends Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago.
Despite some criticism, Byrd says that the message will stay on the sign. He took the issue before his congregation Sunday night, and they decided unanimously to keep it.
Byrd also said he doesn’t want it to look like controversy forced him to take the sign down.
Yup. That’s the Southern evangelicals for you. Dumbasses still haven’t figured out that being Caucasian is the mark of Cain and NOT the other way around.
Dumbasses still haven’t figured out that being Caucasian is the mark of Cain and NOT the other way around.
Wow, I didn’t think anyone else out there, besides myself, had come to that conclusion.
In case anybody wants to argue that, all you have to do is look back at the history of the world, and you will see that it was the Caucasian ethno groups that always left a trail of death and destruction wherever they went. Leaving the population of the areas they conquered so badly decimated that the locals could never again regain their way of life or accomplish any kind of revolution.